It is a great pleasure to invite you to take part in the Sixth edition (already…) of the International Symposium on Synthesis and Catalysis (ISySyCat2025) taking place at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra in the historically recognized mediaeval city of Coimbra from 2nd of September to 5th of September 2025 (The first five editions took place in the historical city of Évora). The city of Coimbra besides its striking beauty, uniqueness and hospitality is steeped in history having been the capital of Portugal from 1139 to 1256, and with one of the oldest Universities in the world (founded in 1290) which has world heritage status. (COIMBRA Portugal TOURISM Guide - Complete 2024 Trip Planner). The conference will take place at the faculty of pharmacy (medical sciences campus) which is less than 1km from the historical city center, and accessible by foot, bike or public transport (also via the Metro Bus service which will be available by the start of the conference.
The conference will focus on key topics in contemporary organic, organometallic, polymer and materials synthesis and catalysis, which are of relevance to both academic and industrial chemists alike. This is reflected in the topics that will be discussed in the plenary lectures. Generally speaking, ISySyCat focuses strongly on chemical synthesis with catalysis coupled with various enabling technologies, such as continuous flow methods, photoredox catalysis and electrosynthesis. Like always, we anticipate a good mix of participants from academia and industry. This is reflected in the list of plenary speakers that hail from both academia and industry from all over the world. We are eagerly looking forward to seeing you in Coimbra in September 2025.

Anthony J. Burke
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra Conference Chairman
Key dates
The deadline for receipt of payment for registration with discount is the 10th of June 2025.
The deadline for final registration will be the 28th July 2025.
The Deadline for receipt of poster/oral/flash communication abstracts will be until the 26th of May 2025. *
* Applicants will be informed about the acceptance of their abstract for a poster, an oral or flash presentation (with poster or not) by the 10th of June 2025.
** Abstract submission will involve registration without payment.